We will be having our members only field day on Sunday, June 23rd from 10:00-2:30 at the OSU Apiary located at the Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture. The address is 844 SW 35th St in Corvallis. Please follow the signs for parking across the street from the apiary. Check-in starts at 9:00 am.

Space is limited because of the number of hives available for inspection, so sign up early to get one of the spaces.
In the morning we will have three presentations:
- Varroa Biology
- Varroa Medication etc.
- Judging Frames of Wax
We will then take a short lunch break, box lunches will be available for purchase at the time of submitting registration online. They will NOT be available to purchase the day of the event. After the lunch break, we will split into groups and get into the hives at the apiary. You will be led by an experienced beekeeper, who will show you the things you should be looking for while inspecting your hives. Experienced beekeepers attending will be getting into hives that are having issues.
To attend, each person will be required to sign an OSU Waiver and Assumption of Risks Agreement OSU OSBA 2019. Please print it out, sign it and bring it the day of the event.
Things to bring: Veil, jacket or suit, gloves and a lawn chair.